In my former blog (I deleted it ages ago..I am no newcomer to the blogosphere) I usually began my post with lyrics from a song that fit my mood, and would open to the topics in which I would write about. I have decided to begin to do this once more, and as much of a music junkie that I am...feel comforted in the knowledge that I will never repeat lyrics, nor will I ever run out of them.
This past weekend was quite amazing..and I am still running off the high of it. Saturday, John and myself chilled out around the apartment catching up on our various video games together and just generally lounging and enjoying each others company. Sunday we went to Landstul to Scholssruine Nanstein (Nanstein castle ruins) and had a wonderful time exploring the supposedly haunted ruins of the once great castle. The weather decided to take a turn for the worst (it is not the first time that the weather has not cooperated, we were hailed on coming down from Devils Head), but even the rain did not dampen our exploits. The castle was first mentioned in 1116, but is thought to be much older. It offered gorgeous views of Landstul, Sickington, and the surrounding countryside. We capped off the trip with a visit to Ramstein and Chinese food for dinner. We had a wonderful time and it was an amazing way to spend the day.
Yesterday was the grand opening of the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center in Ramstein. There are a bunch of smaller posts/bases in this region and for the most part..our exchanges are pretty limited in their selection. The KMCC is the second largest shopping center in Europe for the US forces stationed here, and it is a huge mall. I convinced John to take me to go walk around the mall when he got off work. It was a madhouse! I have never really seen that many people gathered in the same place. It took us about 40 minutes to find a parking spot. It felt nice walking around together and just looking at random stuff.
It has become harder for me to stay all day in this apartment. I am used to being free to come and go as I please and go outside and wander around. I like to explore the world around me (which sometimes causes John to call me a pain in the ass when I start bugging him about where we will go for our ritual weekend sightseeing). It's not like John locks me in the apartment by any's just that it isn't exactly safe for an American to be wandering around. So to cure my restlessness John and myself go for short walks in the evening to that little lake in the center of town. Sometimes I even take a old loaf of bread with us to feed to the ducks during our visit. Some brave ducks even come to within feet of me and I can toss pieces of bread straight into their mouths.
The trees are beginning to turn more and more brilliant colors. On the main road coming from post it is lined with small chicken wire pillars that hold up a type of ivy. This ivy has turned slowly from green to a bright, beautiful red so small little red pillars line the streets. The mornings are colder now, and the afternoons turning less warm. The air is so clean here and the smells of fall pierce the air and make me want to throw my arms out and welcome it.
Except I remember the fact that I only have 2 sweaters and no coat with winter weather fast approaching. Oops.
John is starting to schedule his various briefs for him to start clearing. He is actually having to reschedule one he was supposed to go to tomorrow because the Army is deeming it necessary for him a group of others to go scuba diving in the pool in the Wetzel part of the post. It is hard to believe that I have been here almost 3 months now, and that we have been married for almost 4. It seems longer somehow.
I have given up trying to upload all the pictures I take onto Facebook and Blogger. I am just going to find a photo sharing website and just throw them all onto there for our families and friends and share the link here and on facebook.
Oh! Lastly, John baked his second cake a couple of days ago. It turned out delicious, and with no sinking in the middle. He was quite proud of himself. Haha.
We miss and love everyone, and hope that everything is doing alright on the other side of the ocean.